Thursday, February 2, 2012

The Wheel Challenge

6x6 Oil on Canvas


Peter Greene said...

Nicely done! There is flow, and light in this one. The sense of movement is very real. Thanks as always for sharing your work out here, Karen!

Jane said...

The first thing I always notice in you paintings is the wonderful light. And in this one I also love the movement of the little girl ...almost on her way out of the picture.

Virginia Floyd said...

As always, your use of color is wonderful!

Crystal Cook said...

This is beautiful. :) I love the colors.

Angela Sullivan said...

Wow... I can't get past the beauty and light and movement.

Angela Sullivan said...

Wow... I can't get past the beauty and light and movement.

Dottie T Leatherwood said...

love what you did with her hair and the blues are gorgeous!

hmuxo said...

VERY nicely painted, Karen. Wonderful colors !!

Carol Schiff Daily Painting said...

This is so charming, I can almost hear her squeal with delight. Fabulous!

Carol Schiff Daily Painting said...

This is so charming, I can almost hear her squeal with delight. Fabulous!