Thursday, June 21, 2012

Red House with Hydrangea

6x6 Oil on Board


John Kelley said...

This one reminds me of a place we use to take our kids south of Montgomery Alabama. Nice painting!

Carol Reynolds said...

Really, really nice. I am enjoying your house series.

Unknown said...

That is so pretty! I admire how your paintings seem so full of life and movement .

carol morgan carmichael said...

Just spent a bit of time scrolling past your beautiful work. Such beautiful color, brushwork and light in your pieces.

silvioafonso said...


Karen, eu só vim para dizer
oi, deixar um beijo e lembrar
que amanhã, 23, eu postarei
no blog de outra pessoa e ado-
raria contar com o seu comen-
tário no rodapé do meu texto.



Jane said...

Love this, gorgeous atmosphere !

Angela Sullivan said...

Love that sun shiny spot on the building. Excellent.

Linda Popple said...

Beautiful color and I love your shadows.

shirley fachilla said...

Such a nice little series. You have created a uniquely "Karen Bruson neighborhood!"

Barbara Muir said...

Superb. I love the way you've painted it.

XO Barbara

Kim VanDerHoek said...

Beautiful brushwork in this one Karen!

Diana Marshall said...

Love your use of color makes everything come alive.

hmuxo said...

wonderful colors ...very nicely painted.