Wednesday, April 22, 2009


6x8 Oil on Panel
Not quite done


Dana Cooper said...

This really nice Karen! It looks done to me, but then you are the artist and know what your objective is.
What color did you use to underpaint? I love how it peeks through!

Leslie Saeta said...

This could be done ... the colors are wonderful ... as always!

Karen Bruson said...

Dana, I used Winsor Newton Permanent Rose underneath. It is a cheap Winton student grade, but I like the color.

Barbara Muir said...

Hi Karen,

This is just lovely as it is. I can't wait to see what else you'll do.


Sandra Galda said...

nice variety in the heights of buildings, and of course your colors are always interesting!

r garriott said...

Very nice!!

Gwen Bell said...

Wonderful color choices! Love that touch of bright yellow in the distance and the strong strokes of pink that indicate windows. It's awesome as it is! Really like the rough background with your undercoat peeking through.

Katie Wilson said...

looks done to me... but of course i always think that, and then you go and make it even better.

L.Holm said...

It's got great energy, karen. Looking forward to seeing what you shift.

Peter Lee said...

It's really nice.
I love your impressionistic style.
Great perspective - and you put so much details so delicately.
Buildings, cars, ... all so nice.
And I like that thin highlights coming from the right between the buildings. Can't wait till it's finished.
ps. and you made me an instant follower of your blog!

Rob Hazzard said...

Karen, I'm just back from vacation and trying to catch up on everyone's posts. Your landscapes are just great, love your color choices.

Adventures in Daily Painting said...

You are so creative with your use of color Karen...I love this painting!